In the Media.
Art et al. is getting traction in the UK and Australian media.
“[Art et al. was formed] with the view to showcase the extraordinary creative output and quality of work being made by neurodiverse artists from Australia, the United Kingdom and further abroad, while also giving rise to the valuable contributions these artists make to the global arts and cultural landscape.”
Kylie Northover, The Age. ‘Your face looks like the Metro train service: a new vision from art’s outsiders, published December 3, 2021, <>
Linda Jean Pittwood and Dr Rachel Mardsen, The Double Negative. Who is Woody Tiger? Drawing Connections - An Interview with Cherelle Sappleton and Thom Roberts, published November 22, 2021, <>
Art Agenda 2021, Launch of Art et al., Art Agenda Announcements, accessed May 26, 2021, <>
Daniel Milroy Maher, It’s Nice That. Art et al. is a new inclusive platform that champions neurodiverse artists, published June 16, 2021,<>
Disability Arts 2021, New international digital platform ‘Art et al.’ showcasing curated work by neurodiverse artists from across the UK and Australia, Disability Arts Online, published April 27, 2021, <>
Kirsty Francis, A Rich Life. Art et al. A new international arts platform celebrating work by neurodiverse artists, accessed June 1, 2021, <>
Mike Pinnington, The Double Negative. We recognise and respect everyone’s individuality. Introducing Art et al., published May 13, 2021, <>
Tess Thackara, The Art Newspaper. Neurodiverse and disabled artists are joining the mainstream — yet discrimination persists, published 9 August 2021, <>
Updated: July 2021