Artist Collaboration / 15
For our 15th Peer/Peer Collaboration, Indonesian artist Suzanne Yazid collaborated with British artist James Lambert. Suzanne works with the supported studio Tab Space, a supported studio based in Bandung City.
Suzanne Yazid
Suzanne is the eldest woman artist at the Indonesian support studio, Tab Space. She is always upbeat and cheerful during sessions, and truly enjoys a variety of hands-on activities!
As an individual with cerebral palsy, Suzanne's work captures wobbly lines that give her art a distinctive look. Suzanne is someone who is eager to learn. Prior to developing her current interest in drawing, she enjoyed stitching into a specific illustration template.
2022 was groundbreaking year for Suzanne, as it was the first time her artwork was exhibited in a collective Tab Space exhibition: "Let's Be Friend" at Jabar Art Space IKEA Kota Baru Parahyangan, Bandung. In 2023, Suzanne, along with other Tab Space artists, participated in the exhibition "Open in New Tab: Selasar Sunaryo" at Selasar Sunaryo Art Space, Bandung.
Photograph courtesy of Tab Space.
James Lambert
James Lambert is an artist and illustrator living and working in London. Drawing lies at the heart of his practice, often digitally manipulated combining graphic line, ‘thumb-like’ figures, solid flat colour, rhythm and pattern. He is interested in the ability to communicate the intangible and the use of omnipresent visual codes and symbols to talk across divides. Images often only existing as digital files are imbued with a sense of melancholy, and embrace the absurd, sometimes big topics are explored in simple universal terms. Tableau take inspiration from personal experience as well as infographics encountered in the everyday.
James has worked on a wide range of creative projects that intersect other disciplines from fashion, film and architecture to illustrating current events in newspapers. He considers this process of commission a collaboration and is also interested in arts dissemination across different platforms in popular culture.
Graduating from the Royal College of Art, his work is housed the Tate Archives and has been exhibited at the Design Museum. His solo show Look and Learn - 40 looped animations was held at Sketch gallery London.
Artwork before the collaboration.
Click on each image below for a larger view and caption details.
James Lambert, Illustration for Spectrum News, 2019
During the first Zoom meeting, it was clear that Suzanne and James were inspired by eachother’s creative styles and processes.
Suzanne at Tab Space with a new drawing after the introductory Zoom with James.
Drawing what we can’t see.
James and Suzanne, along with Tab Space Managing Director Nurul Lathifah and Art et al. co-Founder Lisa Slominski, met up online to share their creative practices and what inspires them. A idea that came to the forefront was the question: How do we draw what we can’t see? It was decided that this idea would be explored through drawings based around the five senses - sound, taste, smell, sight and touch. James, Suzanne, Nurul and Lisa came-up with five sensory themes that James and Suzanne would respond to. To work collaboratively, Suzanne selected a visual graphic or shape (like a wavy line or a circle) and a colour palette to be used for each theme. After the they finished their initial drawings for each theme, James further worked on them digitally with colours and at times combining their drawings together. Also, for each sensory theme, Suzanne created title graphics and James graphically laid out the works together.
Here is an example of the process:
Nurul working with Suzanne to select the graphics to be used in the theme: What does coffee (kopi) taste like?
This is the colour palette Suzanne chose for: What does coffee taste like?
Research session! Suzanne drinking a coffee to think about how to visually draw it’s taste.
Suzanne’s Title Sequence for the Themes
James designed this book to illustrate their collaboration through the five senses. Suzanne continued to contribute the font of the their names.
James and Suzanne wanted to share their experience of the collaboration by showing pages from their personal sketchbooks.
This animation shows pages from Suzanne’s sketchbook, referred to as her library.
This animation shows pages from James’ sketchbook.