Artist Collaborations
Peer/Peer Collaborations
Unveiling dynamic and collaborative projects.
Commissioning new artwork created by two artists internationally, with one artist often working from a supported studio. The outcome of the collaborations take any form in any medium or scale, and each has a dedicated page here.
September 2024—International Artist Collaboration
Suzanne Yazid X James Lambert
In 2024, Suzanne Yazid collaborated with British artist James Lambert. Suzanne works with the supported studio Tab Space in Indonesia. Find out more about their challenge to draw what we cannot see!
We typically use words and language to describe things perceived by the senses, but can abstract concepts be visually represented?
- Rizka R. Safitri, Tab Space
September 2024– International Artist Collaboration
Angkasa X Richard Phoenix
In 2024, Indonesian Tab space artist Angkasa, collaborated with British artist Richard Phoenix. Find out more about the importance of birthday parties, who comes to them and what they like to eat at them!
October 2023—British Artist Collaboration
Thompson Hall X Simone Kennedy
From May–August 2023, Thompson Hall, an artist with ActionSpace, collaborated with London-based sculptor Simone Kennedy. Find out more about each artist and follow their British project below, which features as part of Art et al. X RSS (Royal Society of Sculptors).
October 2023—British Artist Collaboration
Leslie Thompson X Eleni Maragaki
From May–August 2023, Leslie Thompson, an artist with Venture Arts, collaborated with Greek born, London based sculptor Eleni Maragaki. Find out more about each artist and follow their British project below, which features as part of Art et al. X RSS (Royal Society of Sculptors).
July 2023—International Artist Collaboration
Clemens Wild X Harriet Body
From March-June 2023, Clemens Wild, an artist with Atelier Rohling, collaborated with Australian artist Harriet Body. Find out more about each artist and follow their international project below.
June 2023—International Artist Collaboration
Paul Hodges X Mutia Bunga
From February–May 2023, Paul Hodges, an artist with Arts Project Australia, collaborated with Indonesian artist Mutia Bunga. Find out more about each artist and follow their international project below, which features as part of Art et al. X Ketemu.
April 2023—International Artist Collaboration
Winda Karunadhita X Mawarini
From March–May 2023, disabled Indonesian artist Winda Karunadhita collaborated with Australian artist Mawarini. Follow their project, including a meeting in-person, which features as part of Art et al. X Ketemu. We are particularly excited about this one, as an in-person meeting has not been possible before now!
April 2023—International Artist Collaboration
Karin Josephine X Christian Newby
In late 2022 into early 2023, Indonesian artist Karin Josephine collaborated with London-based artist Christian Newby. Find out more about each artist and follow their international project below, which features as part of Art et al. X Ketemu.
September 2022—International Artist Collaboration
Chris Angell X Budi Agung Kuswara
In mid 2022, Chris Angell from the Barrington Farm centre in the UK collaborated with contemporary Indonesian artist Budi Agung Kuswara. Find out more about each artist and follow their international project below, which features as part of Art et al. X Ketemu.
March 2022—International Artist Collaboration
Georgia Szmerling X Holly Stevenson
In 2021/22, Georgia Szmerling from Arts Project Australia in Melbourne, and British artist Holly Stevenson delved into their shared interest in flora and fauna. Notebooks, collages, and textiles were sent to each other to inspire the creation of new ceramic works.
February 2022—International Artist Collaboration
Matt Robertson X John Powell-Jones
Over Winter 2021/22 Matt Robertson from the ArtGusto studio in Geelong Australia, met over zoom with John Powell-Jones in Manchester, in the UK. Both with a fascination of character creation and story telling, and also wanting to share real-life emotions and events, the story boarding began.
September 2021—International Artist Collaboration
Sandra Lott X Emily Ferretti
In August/September 2021, Australian artist Emily Ferretti collaborated with London based artist Sandra Lott, who attends Submit to Love Studios. Over the course of six weeks, they set briefs and prompts for one another, with the aim of just using art to communicate and play – and play they did! Neither artist had worked on a collaboration in the past, so join them on their experimental journey.
May 2021—International Artist Collaboration
Thom Roberts X Cherelle Sappleton
Cherelle Sappleton, an artist based in Ramsgate, UK is currently collaborating with Australian artist Thom Roberts. Roberts works with StudioA, a supported studio based outside of Sydney. They communicated through video messages and sent each other digital artworks to develop. Explore their individual practices and insightful international collaborative journey.
April 2021—International Artist Collaboration
David James X Alasdair McLuckie
Australian artist Alasdair McLuckie and British artist David James, who attends the supported studio Venture Arts, worked collaboratively during March-April 2021. With an open brief, an 11 hour time difference, zoom sessions, and a willingness to just see what happens, they explored and experimented with each other’s practice.